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Writer's pictureMemphis Comedians

Tickling the Funny Bone: How Comedians Can Elevate Your Corporate Event

Corporate events can be a lot of fun, but can also be a drag.

Your company is spending a lot of money to get the team, department or enterprise together...but you also don't want a call to the HR department.

We all enjoy a couple of keynote speeches and free food...but aside from that, all of us have had that uncomfortable experience of not wanting to embarrass ourselves while also staring at the clock until we can head home.

A lot of companies try to do ice breakers like karaoke, personality tests, magicians and even concerts. But not enough think about hiring a comedian for their event.

In this article we'll go into a few reasons on why hiring a comedian for your company event is a great idea and a couple of things to look out for.

Why Hiring a Corporate Comedian is a Great Idea

1. The Perfect Ice Breaker

Your company has it's own nuances, systems and processes (hello TPS reports?) that only your employees will understand.

Making an inside joke about that clunky expense management system or a recent reorg (if done tastefully) is a great way laugh at ourselves and remember all the great reasons we're still here.

When people attend a formal event like a sales conference or awards night or any other company initiative, having a third party break the ice with some quality comedy lets everybody lighten up for the real tasks to come.

2. Warm Up to the Serious Stuff

Now that a comedian has gotten everybody involved and attentive, it's time for the leadership to maximize on that spirit and deliver the key messages for the get together.

If you're comic is going on before the main event, this is great.

Once the crowds are all smiles and cheers, they're in a much more receptive mood to whatever announcements and presentations need to be made.

3. Close With a Bang

If the comic is going up after the main items have been discussed, then a comedian is a great way to end the night with a bang.

Comedians usually have their set routine on things they find amusing but can always interweave crowd work and local material into their acts.

4. Sponsoring a Comedy Event As Part of a Gala

Sometimes using comedy to raise funds is another way to get your community together. Whether you're a hospital doing a fundraiser or a tech company seeking to host an awards night for top performers - using a comedy show to curate those festivities is a great way to host an evening.

5. Try to Keep it Clean

While some companies may say they are find with the spicy stuff "We're like family here!" they're families and colleagues next to them may not agree.

Ask yourself...if your boss's boss was right next to you and someone was talking about their latest one night stand...would you really be comfortable sitting next to them and would they also be comfortable laughing next to you?

Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Corporate Comedian

1. Club Comedy No Go for Business

Just because you saw that guy or girl in a comedy club or podcast talking about race, romance or politics doesn't mean they're going to get the same reception in a business environment.

In a business context people are a lot less receptive to something they themselves wouldn't say around the water cooler.

A corporate professional comedian is well aware of this and won't bring the R-rated stuff to your meeting.

If the comic is going up after the main items have been discussed, then a comedian is a great way to end the night with a bang.

Comedians usually have their set routine on things they find amusing but can always interweave crowd work and local material into their acts.

2. Keep it Short and Sweet

A hotel ballroom isn't cheap, and you don't want a seasoned comedian you are already paying thousands of dollars for to use up all the time you have in it.

You've got employees from around the city or even the world in the same room for only a short amount of time, so make it count.

We have done over 1000 corporate events and can tell you honestly, the perfect amount of time for a crowd of over 100 people is usually around ten to twenty minutes, maximum.

Tell the comic with the one hour video special that you just need something to lift the mood and prepare the folks for the business at hand, and they'll be happy to oblige.

3. Let the Comedian Do Their Job

I once had a company executive tell me right before I was about to go perform for 1100 people....don't mention people, their cities and names.

Like what?

Most corporate artists understand religion, politics and the spicy romantic stuff is not for the boardroom crowd. But if you remove everything else...what else is left?


Remember...don't be afriad to ditch the tired presentations and stale PowerPoint slides – injecting humor into your corporate event with a comedian is a surefire way to boost engagement, build team spirit, and leave a lasting impression. 

Laughter breaks down barriers, fosters connection, and sparks creative thinking, transforming your event from obligation to energetic celebration. 

From personalized jokes referencing your company culture to relatable observations on office life, a comedian weaves humor into the fabric of your event, making it an unforgettable experience for employees and clients alike.


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